May 11, 2010

Looking Ahead to May 16, 2010 -- 7th Sunday of Easter

The Scripture Readings this week are:
  • Psalm 97 (VU p.817)
  • From the Gospel: John 17:1-26
The Hymns this week are:
  • #402 We Are One
  • #579 The Church is Wherever God’s People
  • #569 You Call Us Out
  • #420 Go to the World

The Sermon Title is The Prayer of Jesus

Early Thoughts: WHat is your prayer for your friends and community just before you leave?

It is likely that none of this Gospel passage was said by Jesus in this way. But the idea is intriguing.

Just before the PAssion story begins, John puts this prayer into Jesus' mouth and heart. It is a prayer for his friends and followers. It is a prayer that the be strengthened and protected.

It is also a pryre for those who will come later. And so it is a prayer for all who seek to follow The Way. It is a prayer that we be led to the truth. ANd it includes the line that became the motto for the United Church of Canada -- That all may be one.

Where does this prayer lead us in 2010? WHat comfort and challenge do we find in it? And even better, how do we pray for those from whom we are about to be separated?

1 comment:

  1. fantastic blog post i really enjoyed to read this thanks for sharing this post.
